Can you believe that we have already finished one month of the new year? Neither can we! Well, it is now February and we are excited to bring to you the second instalment of our Monthly Newsletter: Mindful Moments by RCCL!
Last month, you became more aware of the colours around you. This month, we focus on sounds!
Close your eyes for a moment and notice the sounds around you. How many sounds can you hear? Listen underneath those sounds and notice what else you can open up your awareness to. Can you hear the quiet hum of electric devices? The fan? The traffic? The birds? People on the street outside? The sounds of shops and vendors? What else can you hear? Stretch your awareness as far as you can and notice the different sounds around you.
Now, pick one sound and as you listen to it, become aware of how your body responds to it. Is it a positive, negative or neutral response? Do this with two more sounds.
The sounds around us impact our mental and emotional wellbeing in so many different ways. At the conscious level, we may block out a lot of the regular sounds. But on the unconscious level, they continue to impact our mood and thinking. Loud, intermittent noises like traffic, construction and yelling make us feel agitated, restless and put us on edge. We become more reactive, impatient and unfocused. Softer sounds like melodic music, the sound of rain, flowing water and waves calm down our nervous system. They elevate mood and enhance focus.
What sounds do you want to surround yourself with? How can you do this? What did you notice from doing this exercise? Let us know by commenting on this post!
BONUS PLAY: This week, pause a few times through the day and become aware of the sounds around you. Doing this by itself brings in mindfulness and allows you to become more present. And if you find that something is not working for you, play some soft ambient music. You could also check out our range of affirmation songs, which instantly open the heart and bring in positive vibes of all kinds!