Mindful Moments by RCCL #1 – All about Colours
Pause for a moment and look around you. Notice the colours surrounding you. What are three colours that catch your eye? Take a few moments to appreciate the beauty and brightness that is always surrounding you.
Bonus: As you move from space to space throughout the day, take a few moments to notice the colours in each space. Become aware of how each colour makes you feel. Do particular colours make you feel calmer?
The human eye is naturally drawn to colours. We instinctively choose colours that resonate with us in some way or the other. Colour psychology shows how the colours around us influence our moods, decisions and our mental states. Warm colours like red, yellow and orange evoke higher arousal emotions, such as love, passion, happiness, and anger. Cool colours, like blue, green and purple are linked to calmness, tranquillity and even sadness. While soft colours soothe and help us calm down, flashy and dark colours have been associated with increased blood pressure, increased metabolism, and eyestrain.
When we start noticing the colours around us and how they influence our mood, we can begin to consciously choose colours that trigger the emotional state we desire in the moment. We can use this awareness to mindfully design our spaces and our wardrobes to create an energetic field that really resonates with what we want for our day and our lives. In addition, just the simple act of noticing colours brings us into the present and offers us moments of relaxation through the day.
You can also make this practice into a game, challenging yourself to notice colours and shades of different kinds as you go through the day!