Easing into Gratitude

Course Description

Gratitude is a hugely powerful state that heals us at the physical, emotional, relational and psycho-spiritual levels. It alleviates loneliness, dissatisfaction, comparison, unhappiness and ill-health. It allows us to live fully and love wholly, seeing each other with eyes of acceptance, appreciation and acknowledgement.

While gratitude in its healthy form is natural and wonderful, in its unhealthy forms, it can drain us and leave us feeling powerless and resentful. It is also used as a weapon to shame and force us into false positivity.

In this eye-opening course, we discover gratitude in all its varied forms. We learn to release resentment and toxic aspects of gratitude. We also understand how to overcome boredom, so we see life freshly in each moment. As we release our blocks to gratitude, we effortlessly step into abundant good and align ourselves with the flow of life.

Who is this for: 

This course is for anyone who wants to move from guilt and resentment to inner freedom, safety and effortless gratitude. 

It is suitable for both beginners and those who have been doing personal growth work for years. 

In this course, you will:

About Dr. GL Sampoorna

Dr. G. L. Sampoorna is an Internationally renowned psychologist with a Ph.D in the area of Forgiveness. She is a pioneer in forgiveness research and work in India, a Heal Your Life® Teacher Trainer for India and a NLP Master Trainer. She is the founder of Rathna Center for Conscious Living, a center for psychological growth and wellbeing, in Chennai.

Participants Share

"It was enlightening to learn that gratitude isn't always good or positive and to learn when it can be harmful in situations of stress and conflict. It is reassuring to know that it's okay to feel the negative emotions about a situation without forcing ourselves to always be grateful. At the same time, I also learned that processing our feelings is important, after which gratitude often comes in naturally. I feel I understand gratitude much better now, and feel empowered and positive!"

"In this workshop, I got an insight into an abusive relationship that I have been in, due to my warped sense of gratitude. As I processed it, I recognised its addictive nature. I can drop it now! Thank you!"

“I now have a better understanding on how to be naturally grateful. Before, I used to try to push down my emotions and force myself to be grateful. Now I know that it's ok- I don't need to immediately force myself to be grateful. I can acknowledge the emotion coming up and process it. Thank you for this!”

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